101.5 FM “Good evening, this is CSUP coming to you from the U of Fairview campus. I’m your hostess, Errata Jones. There’s a community alert going out tonight about a confirmed sighting of a Hunter believed to be the assailant who shot a popular Comp Sci teacher here at Fairview U, Professor Perry Baker. The details will be on the upcoming news, but for now let me shed a ray of light on exactly how dangerous these people are. “I mentioned that I’d found some of their manuals. Well, one of them makes pretty interesting reading. It’s a Hunter child-rearing manual, or basically how to raise a good little psychopath. Even their nursery rhymes are all about killing. Imagine your little ones singing this while they play in the backyard:Vampires with the slice of steel Fairies cannot iron heal Silver kills the man-faced beast And demon hound has soul released The day mercuric metal drives Into his veins; Then death arrives. “Sweet, isn’t it? They know from the time they can toddle just what kills each and every one of us.”