Gina Cresse - Devonie Lace 02 - A Deadly Bargain, Plan C - Plot & Excerpts
missing, the momentum of the machine just kept on going. I followed Spencer through the glass entrance into the reception area. “Good afternoon. I’m Spencer Davis—State of California.” He handed her one of his cards. “This is my assistant.” Spencer motioned toward me. “I have an appointment with Dave, your Network Administrator.” The receptionist, Jenny, smiled at us, then referred to a chart she had taped to the panel under the raised counter. “Dave? Do you have a last name?” Spencer turned to me. “You made the appointment. What’s the last name?” I didn’t hide the helplessness in my face. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t remember. I don’t think he told me his last name.” Spencer’s voice became surprisingly firm. “You don’t remember? Or he didn’t tell you? Which is it?” “Uh…I don’t remember?”
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