I called Radison Properties to tell them I’d decided not to sell the house on Madison Street. I punched the numbers in fast before I could change my mind. I didn’t expect an instant pitch from some company bigwig trying to change my mind about not selling, but I did expect, if not an immediate secretary or receptionist, at least one of those menu things that might eventually result in contact with a live person. What I got was a canned male voice telling me to leave my name, number and why I was calling, and someone would get back to me. Voice mail isn’t a surprise when you’re dealing with a one- or two-person business, but wasn’t this rather odd for a company that must be involved in millions of dollars worth of property transactions? I had the impression of a lone machine sitting in an empty room behind a locked door. I was so startled that I ended the call without saying anything. I told Mac about the call when he came over a few minutes later.