Finally the beasts stopped and lowered themselves, knees bending neatly into the sand. Warm golden grit was stirring in small angry eddies around the imposing fortress walls and Lazar was glad of the shield of his headdress. The sky had already begun to lighten and despite the precariousness of his situation, Lazar felt his hopes surge that he would at last see Ana again. Arafanz walked up to him and Lazar refused to show how stiff he felt from the ungainly hours of travel. ‘Welcome to my home,’ the rebel said. Although the words were gracious, his tone was anything but sociable. ‘You’d never have found me. You must admit, we blend too well.’ ‘It’s certainly impressive and from a distance, yes, you’re right, the structure is easily missed. But don’t fool yourself, Arafanz, I knew precisely where we were coming.’ ‘I can’t imagine how.’ ‘Nor will you ever know.’ ‘You must be desperate to see her,’ Arafanz baited. ‘I am desperate to return her to her husband, the Zar.’ ‘I know you lie, Lazar.