I was late for breakfast, but there was no way I was staying in bed all day. What would I do besides wait and think about how I wasn’t accomplishing anything? Still, being hunched over a milk pail probably wasn’t the best course of action in my condition either. I finished dressing and hobbled to where the rest of my team was almost through eating. Several worried eyes flew to me when I entered, but nobody dared approach me. I nodded and made my way to the empty seat between Flora and Yolanda. A plate was soon put in front of me along with an envelope. Gallatin had sent another pair of white pills with a note that said I didn’t have to report for chores. I slipped it in my pocket and slowly began my routine of cutting meat and sliding pieces to Flora, who kept nervously glancing at my face. “They said you helped bring a calf.” Her voice trembled as she whispered. I nodded, chewing slowly. My hip was hurting less because of the pills, but sitting was still uncomfortable. “You were gone so long,”