(Previously titled "Till the End of Time")A certain kind of magic...With her beautiful home and her dreams of success crushed beneath a devastating earthquake, Elizabeth Fitzgerald kisses L.A. goodbye and escapes to middle-of-nowhere Montana and the B&B her brother convinced her would be the answer to all her prayers. Little did she know that the inn she purchased sight unseen, is not only a crumbling ruin... but is haunted to boot!Ruggedly sexy Jonathan Winchester, mayor of Sapphire, Montana, doesn't believe in ghosts, thank heavens! He’s arrogant and annoying, but he’s the only one for miles around willing to help Ellie rebuild the old hotel. Although his shameless, hungry-eyed gaze could easily knock her off her feet, she’s been burned by one too many men in her life, and she won’t let it happen again.Jon’s not a man to let stubbornness stand in his way. When he wants something, he goes after it--and this time he’s set his sights on the West Coast beauty, even though she’s too involved with his unscrupulous cousin and more concerned with the plight of the inn's restless, lovelorn spirit than with Jon's yearning heart. He can deal with his cousin, and he doesn’t believe there’s a ghost haunting Ellie. What he does know is that he can win the stunning beauty over, once he locks her into his embrace.... More than a century earlier, two lovers were wronged by fate - and it will take a special magic to reunite them. Together - though they don't know it yet - Jon and Ellie can generate that magic. And perhaps they'll have enough left over to start a blaze of their own.