His Heart Aflame (Beach Haven Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
The few remaining streets were lined with small, tidy houses. The signs at the main intersection said Phoenix and Dykman. She stood there for a moment, looking to the west, and drank in the early-morning beauty of her surroundings. From where she stood, she could see the channel leading out into Lake Michigan. The long pier to the left had a bright red lighthouse at the end, with an intricate black catwalk that followed its entire length. The pier on the right was longer and skinnier, with a simple green and white beacon standing at the end. Maggie felt an immediate liking for the poor, plain pier overshadowed by its flashy neighbor, and vowed to visit it before she moved on from this place. The Lake itself was calm this morning, glittering like so many diamonds in the light of the sun that rose behind her. If she squinted, she could just make out tiny figures moving around on the piers and in the sand; she wondered what on earth could make anyone go out on the beach this early in the morning.
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