I didn’t have to look away from the broken paneling to know it was Orion. “You aren’t completely daft. That’s good to know.” “Who do I speak with about trading you in for a different spirit guide?” Leslie laughed. “You can have Grandma Erma.” Orion winked at her. “Frost is stuck with me, I’m afraid. Has been since the day she was born.” “I repeat. I need a new guide. Mine is obviously defective.” Leslie and I found a hammer and a makeshift pry bar and removed the rest of the paneling until the entire door was visible. There was no sign there had ever been a handle—but my mother had been a witch. Maybe we didn’t need one. I said a quick spell in my head and moved my fingers in a sweeping motion. The door opened, groaning the whole way. A light came on automatically inside the closet—except it wasn’t a closet. It was an entire room, much larger than was possible in the tiny space beneath the stairs.