Lionel Twitchel finished his times table with a satisfied grin. “Good, good,” Christian told the boy, although if two times was as far as he could get, they were in trouble. “Mr. Avery?” Lionel asked. “What, son?” “Can I go to the bathroom?” Christian sighed. “Yes. We’ve only got five minutes left anyhow.” Lionel scrambled out of the desk that was too big for him and scurried for the door to the hall. He was the youngest of the children who had been picked to be on his team. The rest were a rag-tag combination of town and farm children in various states of disrepair. Beribboned town girls sat next to grubby boys who hadn’t washed behind their ears all winter. It was his first practice with the team, his first time seeing what they knew. He had a sudden, new level of respect for what Lily did. “Right, let’s try something a little harder,”
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