The courtyard was crowded with people; several rows of the thin white chairs had been added outside of the Council circle, with standing room only beyond that. Cedar caught sight of Riona and Rohan, who waved to them and pointed to the empty seats beside them. Earlier that morning Cedar had discovered the Tír na nÓg equivalent of a walk-in closet in her room—a huge carved wardrobe that seemed to grow bigger when she stepped inside of it. Dresses and robes of every color hung on either side, and toward the back were drawers filled with jewelry, ribbons, and fresh flowers for her hair. She still preferred her worn blue jeans, but she had dressed for this more formal occasion in a beautiful charcoal dress with bell sleeves and light blue embroidery crisscrossing the bodice. They’d left Eden in the care of Riona’s friend Seisyll, who had promised to show her how to play some of the instruments that were hanging from the music branch in her room. Cedar looked around the courtyard and saw a few friendly faces.