Three women were confined to the infirmary; three were dead. One had fled. So there was a sorry-assed group of seven of us pushing some Mexican dish called Pibil Pollo around on our plates. It might have tasted good or it might have been dirt, I didn’t care. I could use only one hand, the other so bundled it looked like I was waving a cotton muff around. The wrap reminded me not to use that hand much. The pain still pumping through it in spite of the bucket load of meds I was on, another reminder. The only good news was Kelly had reappeared. Seemed her ability was to disappear. Sounded like something cool, but it had a nasty side effect. For as much time as she was invisible, when she reappeared she was blind for double the time. She also couldn’t control her gift that well, given she had hidden it most of her life. Not like there were a lot of teachers who could show her the ropes either. So in the gym after she’d been ethereal, about ten minutes max, when she poofed back into corporeal form she was as helpless as any person suddenly losing their sight.