Rough hands shoved her to the open door; they burst from her comfy fire-lit home into a gale which blew leaves and straw up the muddy street. A Brenna soldier was ordered to guard her cottage and she was led past the dense hovels at speed. Her mind was racing fit to burst as she glimpsed Nardin retreat into a shadowed doorway. Old Ned came out of his cottage wide-eyed and quickly slammed his door when he saw her being dragged along. Strangely, she was pleased two friends had witnessed her arrest. At least the Brenna could not spread any stories about her leaving Edentown after her husband. For a moment she hoped Nardin would rescue her then just as quickly realised the futility of any such bravado. Nardin had been lucky to be late or the Brenna would have had him as well. Then a terrible thought crossed her mind. Had Nardin known she would have a visitor? Had he informed the Brenna? Immediately she dismissed the idea, her life-long friend would not ever consider betraying her and Malkrin.
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