I swore, not entirely succeeding in keeping my curse under my breath. I planted my hands on my hips and said to Teresa, “You have got to be kidding.” “I never ‘kid’ about witchcraft.” Of course she didn’t. Not when she was the strongest Coven Mother in the Eastern Empire. Not when she’d held that position since she was freaking ten years old. Not when she had me over an astral barrel. “Fine,” I said. “But not until after I’ve checked on my students. And had a chance to change.” “Of course,” she answered, her lips compressed into a superior smile. I couldn’t help but notice her dress was dry and every hair sat in perfect place on her head. She’d used magic to pull herself together, blatantly grandstanding that she had power to burn even after our near-disastrous working in the circle. I brushed past her, barely resisting the urge to toss my dripping hair over my shoulder, to leave a trail of fresh raindrops across her immaculate handiwork. David followed close behind, guarding my back as Teresa, Ethan, and Connie also came inside.