Tuesday, September 9 Current Past Mood: Apprehensive SAT Word Of The Day: Quell. Definition: Not quelling fears but delusions. I wrote this post with a squeeze ball in hand. I suggest you read it with one as well. Finn and I met Jorge on stage where he huddled with crew members. “Our routine includes a song. Where should we set that up?” Finn asked him. Jorge pointed us in the direction of the technical crew. Finn started to walk, but I stayed in place, staring at Jorge, willing my lips to form into the words I knew I should say. Words that meant quitting. But my mouth wouldn’t take orders from my brain. Finn rushed back over to me and tugged me into step. By the time we got back, Jorge was chatting with other guests. We waited patiently next to him but he didn’t even acknowledge us. I tapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t you need to see our routine?” This was my last chance, my last out. If he hated our routine, that would be it, I wouldn’t perform.
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