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Read Kids Is A 4-Letter Word (1998)

Kids Is a 4-Letter Word (1998)

Online Book

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0373440359 (ISBN13: 9780373440351)
harlequin books

Kids Is A 4-Letter Word (1998) - Plot & Excerpts

A great romantic comedy by SBWhat I like most is the 3 kids, they are very real - with real problems - very cute, as kids of 3,6,9 years old can be.It is fun to see Jo, an independent businesswoman who knows nothing about kids, forced to take care of 3 kids, then pretend to be their mother in order to win a big job bid. And as if this is not enough, she has to fight her attraction to their father, John. At the end, she has to jilt her fiancé, Alan, at the altar, to be with her new family.Alan, the jilted fiancé will find his HEA in the next book Wife is a 4- letter word.

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