You’re outnumbered and severely outgunned.” Jen saw Nelson’s shoulders rise as he realized they’d been ambushed. He turned around to face the voice. Jen, Erik, and Saunders did as well. The man stood about fifty feet behind them, having walked over from behind the house adjacent to the one they’d found Carter standing behind. This man was unarmed, but he, too, was accompanied by a small group of black-clad military men and women. They all stood near the center of the great level’s expansive space, in the fields. Jen could see both the cave system opening and the housing district on one side, as well as the large propane tank in the distance that she’d noticed earlier. “Not bad, actually, for a haphazard group of scientists and Brits,” the man said. He walked toward them, and as he did the group from the stairs came to them and removed their weapons and effects. “It seems like only yesterday that you had, what, twice the members in your little group? Right—it was only yesterday.” Jen’s face flushed, and she couldn’t hide her emotions any longer. “What do you want?”
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