They began to see other survivors in the streets, milling about the roads and pavements, still in shock from the night before. Raggedy people with no idea of what to do. Drifting shadows. Pale, slack and confused faces. An old woman asked them if help was coming, and before Mason could answer she walked away muttering to herself with her handbag swinging over the crook of her arm. He wondered how many survivors were hiding in their houses, too scared to come out, dreading the fall of darkness. How many buildings contained vampires waiting for the sun to go down? He imagined hundreds of nests and lairs across the town. Cellars, basements, attics. He looked down at the road and pictured dozens of vampires asleep in the sewers under his feet. With no police to enforce the law, looters stripped electronic shops and sporting goods stores. Fights broke out in the street, and many of them ended in awful bursts of violence and grave injuries.