A copper taste lingered in his mouth, remnants of a hunt he couldn’t remember. Vague images came to him, chief among them Zinsa staring at him, speaking to him in a soothing tone, but smelling of fear. How much had really happened, and how much was a product of his mind, produced during the time his human side was repressed?He rose from the bed, intent on finding Zinsa and trying to recapture memories of the missing time from when the Land Rover’s radiator exploded, necessitating that he walk back to the complex, and waking up on his bed. By concentrating, he was able to remember approaching the clinic, but everything beyond that was hazy. Had there really been men in uniforms?Teeth gritted with frustration, he once again cursed the unique ability thrust upon him the day the shaman saved his life by binding his essence with the tiger’s. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he was either fully animal or fully human during his transformations, instead of living in this hybrid state, always fighting against the beast, inevitably losing, and having little or no memory of events that transpired while he was in tiger form.As Grant padded to the dresser to retrieve clothes, he heard footsteps coming down the hall.
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