Lucy asks yet again, as Lauren hangs up on Nick’s voice mail yet again without leaving a message.She’s already left three on his cell and a couple more on his home phone. Ryan texted and e-mailed him as well, about an hour ago—when Nick was almost an hour late.Now it’s been two hours with no word, and Lauren is growing concerned, though she’s not letting on to the kids.In response to Lucy’s question, she simply shrugs and says, “I’m sure he’s on his way.”But she isn’t sure at all.She hasn’t heard from Nick since yesterday’s unfortunate pocket-dial call—which, of course, she didn’t share with the kids.When he failed to return Ryan’s call last night, she privately thought it was possible that Nick might have since realized what had happened earlier. Maybe he’d been so embarrassed that Lauren had overheard his intimate moments with his girlfriend that he didn’t want to call back and risk an uncomfortable confrontation.Not that Lauren would ever bring it up.