Nolan Table of ContentsBook 1 Logan's RunBook 2 Logan's WorldBook 3 Logan's Search Book 1 Logan's Run The seeds of the Little War were planted in a restless summer during the mid-1960s, with sit-ins and student demonstrations as youth tested its strength.By the early 1970s over 75 per cent of the people living on earth were under twenty-one years of age.The population continued to climb—and with it the youth percentage.In the 1980s the figure was 79.7 per cent.In the 1990s, 82.4 per cent.In the year 2000—critical mass. Chapter 10 Her hair was matted, her face streaked and swollen. One knee oozed slow blood; she's cut it on a steel abutment.A stitching pain lived in her side.She ran.There was a high lovers' moon and the night was full of shapes. Shadows slid on shadows.When had she crossed the river? Was it last night or the night before? Where was she now? She didn't know.Off to her right she could see an unending length of metalmesh beyond a stretch of dead asphalt. Far out on the pavement sea was a cluster of teeter-swings.