Some howled from atop their little houses. “Settle down,” she said in a stern voice. “Grandpa will feed you soon.” One by one, the raucous dogs quieted. As she passed other small houses along the way, dogs tied up in front yards barked and growled at her. There were more dogs in the village than people. The main road through the village ran alongside the wide river. Denny passed a small wooden cross about waist high adorned with plastic flowers, their bright colors faded from years of sunlight. It was a reminder of the life and death of Maggie Yazzie. Maggie was Denny’s cousin, and although Maggie was several years older, they had grown up together. Each was the closest the other had to a sister. All through junior high and high school, Maggie had earned straight As. Everyone in the village bragged about how smart she was. Maggie wanted to earn a degree in nursing and come back to the village to help her people.