She couldn’t help but smile when her little man was having such obvious fun. “Mama, did you see? I beat that wave!” “I did see that, Benny Rose. You just be careful now. That water’s cold!” Benny just grinned, and ran back to the water’s edge to race the waves again. Ginny sighed and relaxed into the beach chair Maggie had forced upon her. She’d offered, as forcefully as she knew how, to help her aunt with the cleaning of the rented units. Maggie, maddeningly, had refused. She’d gone on and on about needing the exercise, and there only being a handful of rooms rented out at the moment, anyway. Ginny figured she’d been outmaneuvered by a woman who could give Grandma Kate, Bernice Benedict, and Samantha Kendall a run for their money. She’d helped Benny build one sand castle already today. She figured she’d let him play on his own for a while—under her watchful gaze, of course—and try and get some relaxation in, herself. Ginny closed the book that sat open on her lap as she continued to watch her son play.