AT THE END OF THE DATE Wow. Now I'm impressed. You've run the table. You've survived the entire experience. And now it's time to end the evening. How to do that is up to you. And when I say that, I mean that literally it is up to you. As in, it isn't up to him. Choose wisely. First, a note on when it's okay to have sex. I've gotten this question quite a bit on the website. How long must a woman wait to have sex with a man so that he doesn't think that she's a bad person? The answer? Whenever you want. Seriously. I'm sure that there was a time when a woman who put out was considered just this side of a hooker, and gentlemen wore hats, etc. But at this point, tell me if you can imagine this ever happening: “Well, I wanted to sleep with her. But then she let me! Ugh!” Lacks the ring of truth, doesn't it? Not unlike the situation in which women worry about what to eat in front of a man, we're not going to be turned off if you do what you want to do. And if he is turned off by the fact that you had sex when you wanted to, uh, how is that a good guy to be with?