Trisha, the lottery-winner, has somehow managed to lose a fortune and end up sewing on buttons above Kleene Machine. She is soon to swap souls with Peter. Trisha's soul, as we know, is soiled but soft and amiable, her sins more of omission than commission. Such as, forgetting to feed the cat and then overfeeding it in compensation, or forgetting that she has a baby in the pram and leaving it outside the shop, neglecting to pay back money or replace cigarettes, drinking too much, squabbling with neighbours, having round heels (falling too easily backwards into bed, that is) not saving money but giving it away, lying as a child about doing her homework, flirting with her stepfather. Now Trisha's soul inhabits Peter's body. Envisage this soul, normally awash with oestrogen and femaleness, as a bright pink satin heart shape with the bumps and bulges appropriate to its age and experience, becoming little by little younger, more male, smoother, clean of line and curve but duller coloured. Nothing is for nothing: Trisha and Peter are bound to suffer some leakage from one to the other while in each other's bodies.