Lalit had to leave before the train departed to do a late night interview with India’s defense minister, who would be describing his function as overseer of national security and commenting on the recent terrorist attacks. Lalit told Rick that the minister was a trusting, highly spiritual, peaceful man and an unlikely person to be a defense minister who had to deal with the death and destruction of war and terror. They said their goodbyes with a long hug, and Rick waited for the train. It was on the track, but, after waiting fiteen minutes past the scheduled time, he asked the conductor if anything was wrong and learned that, because of mechanical failure, it would be delayed three hours. A man approached him and pointed to his black limousine. He said he would drive him to Jodhpur for 1750 rupees, which was a reasonable sum. Rick originally planned to go to Jaisalmer, but Jodhpur made more sense because it was a larger city with lots of live musical entertainment that would provide better opportunities to find Eric.