I met Susan in the hallway upstairs and we entered together. I felt like a beau with his prom date. Our time in the room had roused romantic feelings in me which I knew were dangerous, but which I enjoyed too much to dispel. The dining room now held about twelve people, including the two girls, Sarah and Jean, and their mothers whose names were, I learned, Sylvia and Joan. These two latter were among the most fervent in the group, having been with Tocco for many years and willing to let their children experience, from birth, the widest possible range of sexual play. I flashed the Greek temples in which children were trained from a very early age in the arts of pleasure. Again it was serve-yourself style, but most of the food had been cooked and a salad put together already. Halfway through the meal, Tocco picked up on a piece of random dialogue and began one of his expostulations. "It shall be interesting to see," he said, "whether, after a thoroughly sexual childhood, these two enter into anything like a latency period.