She stopped me as I was leaving the gathering informing me my presence was needed in his office. Now, she insisted. Neither she nor Rudolf expected me to refuse his summons, and, since I was curious and thought it might be better to get my dose of Rudolf Pruitt early enough to allow me to rush home and drink myself into a stupor, I went with her. As soon as I entered his office, he made it very clear he turned down the position of dean because he wasn’t interested in administrative work, pronouncing the words as if they made his teeth sore. I thought the real story was he offered himself as dean and was rejected. This speculation made me think better of our administration, and I must have let a smile pass over my lips. “Ah, I see by your smile that you agree with my decision to remain with the faculty. I must warn you, however, part of my reason for remaining in my present position has to do with my belief it gives me a stronger voice with respect to the leadership of the BFS. I intend to pursue my rightful role as the station's leader with our new president and with the individual who follows him should he not be chosen as president permanently.
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