The process of fully opening her eyes to the sunlight that flooded in through the light curtains took her fully five minutes. Even then it was necessary to take another minute to let her eyes focus properly. And every second hurt. “Are you awake?” a cool voice inquired. Moving her head too quickly for comfort in the direction of the voice, Jenny saw Miss Quare seated at bedside with a book in her hand. “Yes, thank you. It was very kind of you to wait with me.” Jenny began. “Not at all,” Miss Quare assured her shortly. “Lord Teeve required that I do so. And it was a chance to do some reading.” The companion looked down at Miss Prydd with obvious dislike. “Well, in any case, I do thank you,” Jenny insisted mildly. Miss Quare sniffed unbecomingly and left the room. Had she been able to do so in comfort, Jenny would have shrugged. She indulged in a mental shake instead, as much to clear her mind and recall the events that had brought her to bed as to dismiss Miss Quare’s animosity.