I lay on my back. I couldn’t see a ceiling or walls. For a moment I thought I must be outside, below the night sky. But there were no stars, no moon. And the blackness was too black, perfect in its uniformity. So I had to be inside, the lights off, in total darkness—only this wasn’t right either. Because I could see. If something appeared before me, I would be able to see it. I don’t know how I knew this, but I was confident it was the case. I simply couldn’t see anything because there was nothing to see. I was in some kind of…what? I had no bloody idea. I tried to stand—and yes! There were my legs, my arms. I was right, I could see them as if it were day, pale appendages against a black background. I was naked. Why was I naked—? Oh Jesus Mary Christ. We did it, Maureen and I, we miniaturized. Yet where was I now? I had read all the literature regarding miniaturizing, read all the reviews, and I never heard of waking in an endless void. Had something gone wrong then? Instead of miniaturizing to the size of a cricket, had I shrunken much more?