“Nick—you back in North Carolina already?” “No, I’m still in town. I decided to stay over.” “You sure beat a path out of Vidocq yesterday. I figured you couldn’t wait to get back to that fiancée of yours.” “I had some things to take care of first. Look, I was wondering if you could do something for me.” “Sure. What’s up?” “I’ve missed a lot of the Vidocq meetings lately—haven’t made it up here since last fall. I’m looking for a list of presenters from the last six to nine months.” “Yeah, we’ve got that. What are you looking for?” “I need contact information: names, addresses—especially phone numbers. Case summaries would be helpful too.” “Six months of case summaries . . . that could take a little time.” “Then the summaries can wait—just send me the contact info.” “How soon do you need it?” “No hurry—the next three minutes would be fine.” There was a chuckle on the other end. “Nick—can I tell you something about marriage?”
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