No Happily Ever After (The Fairytale Diaries #1) - Plot & Excerpts
The family of women was one of traditions, strange though they may be. Grandmother's rule was that each girl must wait until age fifteen to start dating. At age fifteen, Grandmother gave the birds and the bees talk to each girl, and then took her to pierce her ears before bestowing upon her much more freedom to explore the world. Jennifer hadn't been crazy about the ear piercing idea, but it was just a thing that they all did. Like some sort of symbolic rite of passage. Jennifer had loved Eric Prince long before turning fifteen. She'd had grandiose visions of a new world with him upon her fifteenth birthday. But the day had come and gone, and she remained just as invisible to him as always. She did absolutely everything she could to make him aware of her affections, to no avail. His girlfriend, Stella, was undoubtedly a nice girl and Jennifer certainly didn't want to be known as a boyfriend thief, or to hurt Stella's feelings. But she felt that Eric would soon realize they were meant to be and that Stella would understand.
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