Still, given the option, I believe that most people in search of a euphoric sensation would choose a roller coaster over death by exposure. But the Cheesemans and Professor Boxley were given no such choice as they sat on the harsh, cold ground, their body temperatures dropping quickly and steadily along with any hope for survival. Hallucinations are common in cases of hypothermia, and Penny was the first to slip into the world of the surreal when she imagined she heard a dog barking. The distant sound was accompanied by what sounded like the buzz of a motor. “D-d-do you hear th-th-that?” asked Teddy. His teeth chattered so badly he was now chewing his gum involuntarily. “It s-s-sounds like a d-d-d-dog b-b-b-barking.” Though she had no training in psychology, Penny knew one thing. If two people are experiencing the same hallucination at once, it’s most likely not a hallucination at all.