Not the college course, the life course. More specifically, my life course. I’d been seeing a therapist once a week for a little over two months (seems I have “issues” stemming from some scary stuff that’s happened to me lately) but it didn’t seem to be going anywhere. Now, I’m willing to admit I may have been a tad resistant to the whole idea of talking to a stranger about my deepest fears. Okay, maybe more than a tad. But still, it kind of hurt my feelings when Dr. Sullivan asked me not to come back. Oh, she was nice about it and all. I mean she didn’t exactly ban me from the building. She just suggested that perhaps I wasn’t quite ready to commit to digging deep into the bowels of my psyche. Wow, I was just hoping to learn how to sleep without a nightlight. “But everyone will be so disappointed in me,” I told her, thinking of my best friends, Johnny Marchiano and the DiAngelo twins, Fran and Janine. (Just because a couple of people have tried to kill me on three separate occasions within the past few months, they thought I needed professional counseling.
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