No Such Thing As A Lost Cause (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
I could hear the laughter in Alphonso’s voice and thought back to a year ago, when he was commissioned by Nick to baby sit me. We’d come a long way since that first meeting. Alphonso is my companion of choice when I need brawn and brains to watch my back. Plus, he’s got a really cool Hummer. And while I do feel a bit guilty about the sheer excess of it all, it’s a nice change of pace from the granny mobile I usually drive around in. “Relax, Jackson. It’s nothing illegal or life threatening.” “Man, where’s the fun in that?” “Okay, it could be a little life threatening,” I confessed, remembering the day Mario’s girlfriend introduced her fist to my face. “Does that sweeten the pot at all?” “I’m gonna need some details.” Two hours later, under cover of darkness, Alphonso pulled his Hummer up to the curb directly in front of Mario Lewis’ house.
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