Who knew it could feel like for ever? Six days while the hospital makes sure Danny is okay and all the paperwork is sorted and social services are happy for him to come home. Given that I’ve waited three and a half years to see my best friend, what’s six days more? A lifetime. I don’t even have school to distract me. Just the long drag of the Easter holidays, and revision, and Dad either stuck in the lab at the university or holed up in his study. Lianna and Maisy text a few times asking me round, but I make an excuse. I know all they’ll want to talk about is Danny, and that will only make it worse. And the more I think about him, the harder it feels to have to wait till Sunday, and Martha’s big welcome home meal. When Sunday morning finally arrives, I’m so nervous I can’t do anything. If I sit, I have to stand up again. If I stand, I have to walk. I try going over my French revision, but the words shape-shift on the page, refusing to make sense.