Histórias dispersas que entroncam numa história primordial: A de John Clare, o poeta camponês, internado no asilo de loucos de Mathew Allen na Floresta de Epping.A premissa é extraordinária mas o emaranhado de personagens que intervêm à margem da história principal não acrescenta grande valor à obra, sobretudo porque não apresentam a profundidade expectável... E suspira-se por mais John Clare perdido na floresta da sua mente...Ficou o entusiasmo por John Clare, a vontade de o descobrir nos labirintos vertiginosos da sua poesia, da sua vida. This is a wonderful novel. Gorgeous language; visceral understanding of madness; a nature poet's look at a nature poet. He looks up into the shaft of sunlight, and feels the creepers in it. He looks closely at the deer as it's butchered, to see what made it live. Foulds feels madness enough to write it and he feels infatuation enough to write it and he feels despair enough to write it, and write it so beautifully that it's transporting. I recalled Woolf and Crace. As for "nothing happens?" Oh, Lord. When Hamlet dithered, nothing happened. That's the whole dang point of the thing.
What do You think about O Labirinto Vertiginoso (2009)?
Lovely story. Although it's written via historical fact it's got a dreamy poetic feel.
A rare and beautiful mixture of poetry and proza
Sooo well written! Fascinating, a bit dark.