If Serena knew what went on the night before, she didn’t say anything, but the slivers of red sliding through her aura was driving me bat-shit crazy with unquenched lust. And that need fed another. It wasn’t like I could leave. So I was stuck here, and with every passing hour I was getting more and more agitated. This wasn’t going to last long. It was like winning the lottery when Serena dozed off on the couch in the afternoon, sleeping away several hours, providing a respite of sorts. I checked my cell a dozen times over. Nothing from the dipshit officers, and the only way I could get the officers here and Serena out of my house was to get information from her. And I needed to get her out of the house sooner than later. Wanting to crawl out of my human skin, I started to make dinner. Cooking…cooking was one of the few calming things in my life. My brother gave me shit about it, so did Dex.