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Read One More Night With Her Desert Prince... (2014)

One More Night with Her Desert Prince... (2014)

Online Book

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One More Night With Her Desert Prince... (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Mariam was expecting twins, one baby lying directly behind the other, which was why it had gone undetected for so long. Khalid congratulated his brother, hoping that Shahzad couldn’t tell how he really felt. Oh, he was delighted by the news—there was no question about that. However, he couldn’t pretend that he didn’t feel upset about the way Sam had responded when he had told her of his decision to live in Azad permanently. She hadn’t tried to make him reconsider, hadn’t said anything really, but what had he expected? That she would beg him to stay in England, stay with her? That was never going to happen.
    Once they returned from the hospital, Shahzad announced that they needed to celebrate and set about organising an elaborate dinner for them. Given the choice, Khalid would have preferred to return immediately to their camp but there was no way that he could refuse to join in the celebrations. When Sam protested that she had nothing to wear, Mariam whisked her away with the promise of finding her something suitable so there was no escape on that score.

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