Patricia Veryan - [Sanguinet Saga 07] - Married Past Redemption - Plot & Excerpts
Her experience at the wedding with the plain gown Strand had selected and the compliments it had won her had taught her much. Now, with Judith's figure much improved, Miss Wallace said they could afford to be a little less spartan, and Judith plunged happily into a glorious world of India muslins, cambrics and gauzes, ribbons and frills and laces, French knots and rosettes, and all the delicious accessories for which Strand appeared perfectly willing—as a disgusted Norman phrased it—"to stand the huff." Norman, meanwhile, having discovered that Strand was fairly knowledgeable in matters of ships and shipping, buttonholed his brother-in-law to the extent that sometimes an entire day would pass during which Lisette saw neither. One rainy afternoon, having been thus abandoned, she was writing a letter in the book room, with Brutus snoring deafeningly before the fire, when the abrupt cessation of all sound attracted her attention. She glanced around. Brutus was sitting bolt upright, staring out of the low window that gave onto the front drivepath.
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