He squeezed back every so often, as if reassuring himself that she was actually there. The legalities had been sorted out. Her marriage to Peterson had been proven invalid on several grounds. First of all, she’d only signed the papers under duress. Secondly, the minister had been found, drunk, and had been just as easily bribed to swear the so-called ceremony had never taken place, especially since he hadn’t bothered to file the forms with the government. Peterson’s body had been dealt with by the constables. Constable Bailey had woken up as soon as the sapphire that had hit him was destroyed, and poor Inspector Everett was resting in a hospital, already demanding to be released, despite being weak from blood loss. The remaining gems had been destroyed. Now it was Amy’s turn to fill in the blanks, to explain everything to her assembled group of saviors. Tom, Caro and all but the youngest of her children listened eagerly. “Apparently, the bandits he fought in India belonged to a specific cult,” she told them all.
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