He's got a touch of jet lag, he says. Of course he asks about the light and the tunnel and all. Blaine is thinking of having little cards printed. Maybe "Death ain't all that" or "That light I saw was a train coming." Blaine shows him the spot where it happened and Mandy's house. "Nothing good ever came from a girl named Mandy," Todd says. "That your expert summation of the situation, huh bro?" Blaine says. "I think Barry Manilow did all the necessary summing. That song came out and women named their squalling baby girls like it was mandytory." Blaine groans. "So she's going to stiff you for the insurance, huh? You need a lawyer, man." He is propped up on one elbow, laid out on the couch. The flat screen is going without the sound on. Some tennis match. "She owns that house, right?" "Yeah," Blaine says. "She bought it when her dad died just a while back." "Hell," Todd says, "She probably owns it free and clear. You get a big judgment against her, she'll have to pay you or lose it." "She seems like a nice girl, Todd.