She had never seen Kolya’s handwriting, but the address was written in what looked like a feminine hand. Then she brightened as she recalled that the Russian alphabet was different. He might have had someone write it for him. He might have had some female write it for him—but at least he had written. The smudged scrawl in the corner, haloed where the ink had run, definitely said Brighton and she knew no one else there. “Open it,” said Nick impatiently, offering his pocket-knife. She slit the seal and carefully unfolded the sheet. Her eyes went straight to the signature at the bottom: Lady Sylvia Ellingham. “Is it from Kolya?” “No.” “Oh, then I’m going to get something to eat.” Nick took himself off. Subduing her disappointment, Polly read the letter. Lady Sylvia Ellingham had bought one of her paintings, a picture of a child, in a Brighton shop. She wondered if Miss Howard would be so kind as to come and stay with her for as long as it would take to paint the portraits of her two daughters.
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