I wore a heavy pair of sunglasses but the glare did not appear to bother Kendor. A half hour outside the city, he instructed me to pull off onto a dirt road as we approached a row of rocky hills. The path was heavily pitted and I was glad for our sturdy SUV. “What are you thinking?” he asked, one of the few things he had said to me since getting in my vehicle. “About Lara. Can I ask you about her?” “Let’s wait and discuss her later.” He added, “Ask another question.” “All right. Do you still enjoy killing?” “Still?” “My father said you were quite the warrior in your youth.” Kendor was thoughtful. “When I was young and fought with others toward a common goal, I found killing satisfying, but only if our purpose was noble. Otherwise, no, I take no pleasure in hurting any man or beast.” “Does that mean you’re a vegetarian?” “Yes.” I chuckled. “Sorry.” He was not offended. “I amuse you. Why?” “It’s just that you remind me of a vampire.”