Although she liked the new space, she had to admit she missed the smaller market it once was. Of course she would never tell Annie that, given all the work she and her family had put into the place. Over the past three years, she had really come to respect Annie. Beth believed in small business, but frankly, she was worried for the Malones. With Cinzano’s cornering the specialty food market in Gray Harbor, it might be hard for Malone’s to make a comeback — but again, Malone’s was Maine. As Beth got out of the car, she checked her hair and makeup. She didn't usually care what she looked like to meet Annie, but she couldn't help thinking maybe she'd run into Michael. She was slightly embarrassed that she might meet him wearing her chef's jacket and checkered chef pants and clogs, but she had to live with it. And besides, he didn't exactly seem like the kind of guy who would work at the fish market. Maybe he wouldn’t be there at all and she was stressing out for nothing.