I didn't feel any pain at all and had even inspected the stump without the medical cap on it. It looked like any other part of my leg. The doctor showed me a replacement prosthetic I would be able to wear. The least expensive technology could be manufactured on one of the station's replicators. It spent a considerable portion of my savings to buy the pattern. I knew my folks would want to pay for it but with their recent losses, I couldn't let that happen. I was a free EMC and didn't want to lean on my parents. Yup, I did just say that. The break-in period for a prosthetic takes several weeks. This basic unit would interface with my AI and had the ability to mimic fairly realistic ankle and foot movement. I would never dance with it, but I would eventually be able to walk without crutches. Trying it on for the first time took me nearly two hours. It probably would have been easier if I had taken the doctor's advice and waited for a human physical therapist to help me learn how, but I was done with all that.