Caroline said. “I can’t believe he let that skank attach herself to him like that. Especially when he has you!”Mia smiled at the fierce loyalty in her friend’s voice. The two were slouched on the couch after Mia had rid herself of the dress that just stood as a mockery of her entire evening. Fat lot of good it had done to look fabulous when Gabe’s attention was directed elsewhere.No one knew of her relationship with Gabe, which meant no one knew of her embarrassment, but it hadn’t prevented the heavy cloak of humiliation she suffered.“Who knows what he’s thinking,” Mia said wearily. “But I wasn’t going to hang around there and watch those two make goo-goo eyes at each other. It was nauseating.”“And you shouldn’t!” Caroline exclaimed.Her eyes gleamed with sudden light, and that was a signal to Mia that she should probably run.“So is he as good as I imagine him to be in the sack?”Mia sighed in exasperation. “For God’s sake, Caro.”“Hey, give me something to work with here.