Seductress Seduced (The Embassy Book 4) - Plot & Excerpts
Sure, there have always been people who were delusional enough to say that it’s because of money, or power; that war is the father of all things. But just look at the reasons for why they require all that dough and feel the need to throw their weight around. Why the Greeks sailed across the Aegean to raze Troy to the ground. Not that I was there—I’m old, but not that old. Even if sometimes I feel it, when I look at the world nowadays. Back when I was still part of this mortal coil, sex was everything, and things haven’t changed one bit. But maybe I’m biased. More than two thousand years of fucking can limit your perspective. Sometimes I start to wonder if it’s something else, maybe—compassion, love, whatever makes humans human—but a good look around usually discourages me from harboring such silly notions. That—or something very close—ran through my mind as I stalked out of Emily Taylor’s office. The girl was practically teeming with sexual energy, and I didn’t dare linger much longer than to inform her, in no uncertain terms, that she’d have need of me before the end of the week.
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