Buddy was the only one who showed any sign of good humor. He’d been fishing with a friend and bragged about the catch they’d made as if everyone at the table was interested in every detail. Ignoring his mother’s frown, he kept motioning for Seika to fill his wineglass.Carolyn decided that Della and Lisa must have had a mother-daughter confrontation just before dinner, because they weren’t speaking to each other. Jasper didn’t seem to notice anything that was going on at the table. He gave his attention to his meal and his only comment was, “The salmon seems a bit dry.”Adam asked Della some questions about how her day went, but only received polite, vague answers. He played the devoted husband, smiling at Carolyn and asking her if she wanted more rolls and rice pilaf, even though it should have been obvious to him that she was only picking at her food.Every time he brushed her arm, she tensed. The memory of his mouth seductively capturing hers lingered with poignant intensity.