What in the world was she going to do? A bullet hit the snow a couple of feet from her hand and that cleared her mind, at least for the moment. First things first. She scrambled to follow in Nate’s wake, doing her best to keep her head and butt down. If this gunman was who she thought he was, he wouldn’t be firing to kill them but to capture them and force information. There would be no quick, clean death, not for her, anyway. The thought of torture created a layer of sweat on top of her icy skin. She hadn’t known who or what to expect when the closet door opened, but it sure as heck hadn’t been a tall glowering cowboy, although now that she stopped to think, she should have realized he’d come. How would she get rid of him? She’d read about Nate Matthews after the Labor Day shooting. She knew he was engaged, that he was respected down in Arizona and that he didn’t tolerate any nonsense. She knew his service record and the fact his parents had been photographed looking as proud as peacocks about their upstanding son.