Two days of it, a gentle , steady soaking that effectively canceled Tesa ' s visits with Thorn . But the coffee still arrived eve ry mo rn ing. Tesa was busy re cording Grus legends and filming the sto ry walls. Even though the chick ' s eyesight had improved , he still had trouble focusing on Tesa and she wor ri ed that she might be too alien for him to accept. She was also tired of referri ng to him in third person. The Grus explained that the ri ght name would eventually "show up," that it was no one's special task , as it was among Tesa's people. But on the chick ' s fifth day in the World , the sky was b ri ght and cloudless and no one could go near the slitted opening without finding him under their feet . As the Father Sun edged over the ho ri zon , Taller stuck his head through the slit, while his son stood comically between his legs, pee ri ng out onto the World, his blue eyes enormous. Stretching tall, the chick flared his stubby wings out straight , scared to death. "He can wait," Weaver told Tesa.